28 Advanced Chemical Materials and Future Chemical Industry
Chair(s): Liping Wu; Huisheng Peng
Co-chair(s)(from abroad): Johaness A. Lercher
Secretary-general: Xudong Huang
Contact information: Lianghao He +86 18801611071; helianghao@petrochina.com.cn
Introduction: Focus on the innovative achievements in the field of advanced chemical materials and the development trends of the future chemical industry, discussing green intelligent manufacturing of advanced chemical materials and sustainable development of the future chemical industry. Conference Content: 1.Global development trends, challenges, and future opportunities in the chemical new materials and chemical industry. 2.The Latest Innovative Achievements in Advanced Chemical Materials: Focusing on the latest progress in the design, synthesis, characterization, and function of new materials, and how these innovations drive the development of the chemical industry. 3.Applications of Advanced Chemical Materials: Focusing on the application prospects of new materials in fields such as electronic information, new energy, biodegradable materials, and aerospace, and how to enhance the performance of new materials to meet high-end manufacturing. 4.Deep Integration of Artificial Intelligence with new material R&D and Manufacturing: Focusing on the application of digital technology in advanced chemical materials and the future chemical industry, discussing the significant role of artificial intelligence in the R&D, manufacturing, and operation of new materials, and accelerating the development of the smart chemical industry. 5.Sustainable Development of the Future Chemical Industry: Focusing on how the chemical industry can achieve green intelligent manufacturing of high-performance materials while ensuring economic benefits, achieving green economy and sustainable development (energy conservation and emission reduction, circular economy, green chemistry, etc.).

Liping Wu
Executive Director and President of PetroChina (Shanghai)
Executive Director and President of PetroChina (Shanghai)
Advanced Materials Research Institute; Professor

Huisheng Peng
Fudan University
Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Assistant President and Dean of Institute of Science and Technology at Fudan University

Johannes A. Lercher
Technical University of Munich
Professor of Technical University of Munich (TU Munich)
Academician of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Academician of the European Academy of Sciences
Academician of the American Academy of Engineering; Fellow of the American Academy of Inventors and Sciences.